It's all about beginnings...
I've wanted to create a blog for quite a while but just haven't quite gotten around to it till now. I've kept a journal that I wrote in every few days and supplemented it with entries on the computer. All of which is good but lacks pictures and continuity. I’ve had this odd idea that someday I'll sit down and put all the entries together in chronological order with photos. Hah! Has anything like this ever been done in this (i.e., my) lifetime? So far, no. And somehow I don't see the likelihood of that happening any time soon!
It's taken quite a while to finalize the elements (colors, fonts and so forth) of the page. In looking at it I'm sure you're saying "Really, why?" Yes, in the end simplicity won out. It seemed the better background foil for photos. Of course, now I just have to figure out how to accomplish that, the uploading of photos. So for a while this will be an utterly simplistic blog. All my visions of "stunning-ness" are on hold as I take this step-by-step. I hope you'll bear with me and stay tuned here at Greyhouse Journal.