
This and That Post

Haven't posted for several days because it's the sixth day of a killer headache in my right eye and right half of my head. I had to force myself to go out and get some food since last night's dinner was 4 strips of cheese and Campbell's chicken noodle soup out of the can. Pretty pathetic, huh? So I really needed to restock on salads. And crackers. And orange juice. And chocolate milk. And so on.

Mission accomplished as the saying goes and I even got into see the ophthalmologist! Good news, it's probably a sinus condition. My eyes are fine. Yay!

Trader Joe's is such a wonderful store! I went there and to another today with a list (so there'd be no impulse buying). TJ's had every single thing on my list. The other, Pavilions (part of the Vons/Safeway chain), only had 50% of what I needed. Pretty sad. So, tomorrow, I'll be going out once again only this time to two other stores in hopes of "stocking the larder" for at least another week.

While my "new" style of buying "prepared" fresh foods does have its draw-backs such as lots of recyclables, it has achieved it's goal of getting me to eat something reasonably healthy. Unless of course, I run out, like last night and have to resort to less than ideal food choices. So, for the moment, all is well.

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